It is a hot day outside. How might you cool off? How do animals cool off?
Download and reference Kindergarten: Bears Through the Season teacher guide (link to teacher guide) pages 48-53 and student guide (link to student guide) pages 20-25 for full lesson plan.
Portal Resources
Noticing and Wonderings Chart
(122.65 KB)
1D Taking Temperature Data Sheet
(33.86 KB)
1D Daily Temperature Graph
(64.61 KB)
List of Materials
- Sticky notes or colored paper squares and chart paper to make graphs
- Student guide and pencil
Estimated Time
1.5 hours plus additional observation time
- Engage: 15 minutes
- Explore: 15 minutes x 5 days
- Explain: 15 minutes
- Elaborate: 15 minutes
- Evaluate: 10 minutes
Lesson Extensions
Cross-Curricular Extensions
Have students create a line down the center of a plain piece of paper. Have them create a drawing for each of the following two prompts, placing one drawing on each side to compare and contrast.
- Draw the area that a black bear might be found on a hot day.
- Draw the area a bear might be found during a cloudy, cool day.
Missouri Learning Standard
Next Generation Science Standard
Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI)
Science and Engineering Practices (SEP)
Crosscutting Concepts (CCC)