Create new Teacher account

The email address is not made public. It will only be used if you need to be contacted about your account or for opted-in notifications.
Several special characters are allowed, including space, period (.), hyphen (-), apostrophe ('), underscore (_), and the @ sign.
Teacher Classification
Grade Level
Which grade range do you teach, or will you teach when you graduate college?
Focus Area
Select the disciplines you teach in middle and/or high school.
What county, or counties, do you teach in, or are responsible for?
Facility Information


Begin typing the name of the school to see a list of Missouri schools in the system. Schools are entered in the system as spelled in the DESE system. If the Missouri school is not in the list, then you can lookup schools by name or city to see how your school is entered in the system. If your school is not in the directory, then click checkbox below.
The Missouri school I teach at is not listed in the above school field.

Child Care Facility

Begin typing the name of the child care facility to see the list of facilities in the system. If the Missouri child care facility is not in the list, then you can lookup facilities by name or city to see how your facility is entered in the system. If your facility is not in the directory, then click checkbox below.
The child care facility (registered preschool or head start) is not in above list.
School Address
Child Facility Address
Homeschool/Other Address
MDC Mailing Lists
I would like to receive emails about education topics and reminders.
I would like to receive emails about MoNASP topics and reminders.