It is a hot day outside. How might you cool off? How do animals cool off?
Download and reference Kindergarten: Bears Through the Season teacher guide (link to teacher guide) pages 44-47 and student guide (link to student guide) pages 16-19 for full lesson plan.
Portal Resources
Noticing and Wonderings Chart
(122.65 KB)
List of Materials
- Digital thermometer – one for each group
- Containers for water, such as a plastic cup (two per partner set of students)
- Water
Estimated Time
1.5 hours
- Engage: 10 minutes
- Explore: 30 minutes
- Explain: 15 minutes
- Elaborate: 15 minutes
- Evaluate: 10 minutes
Lesson Extensions
Cross-Curricular Extensions
Discuss warm and cool colors with students. Have them create two separate paintings: one of a tree in sun and one of a tree in shade. Ask students to only use warm colors on the tree in the sun and cool colors on the tree in the shade painting.
Missouri Learning Standard
Next Generation Science Standard
Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI)
Science and Engineering Practices (SEP)
Crosscutting Concepts (CCC)