Anita B. Gorman Conservation Discovery Center
The Discovery Center boasts eight acres of natural areas with short paved and natural trails through forest, woodland, wetland, and prairie habitats. The center's demonstration beds showcase how native plants can be used for home landscaping. Sycamore Station is a children's natural play area. Nature exhibits are available for viewing inside the building.
We offer hands-on programs for students to get outside and explore nature. Missouri schools can reserve free nature programs for students throughout the year.
Find out more about the center, including directions, maps, and building hours.

Discovery Center
What to Expect at the Discovery Center
- Please plan to arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled program. Late arrivals will shorten your program. If you will not be able to attend, or if your group is running late, please contact us as soon as possible with an update.
- Programs are designed for Missouri groups. All programs include ample time outdoors, so please help children prepare accordingly with appropriate clothing, sunscreen, and insect repellant as needed for the season.
- In case of inclement weather, we may substitute an indoor program during the time normally spent outdoors.
- Let us know in advance if anyone in your group needs special accommodations.
Scheduling a Program
To schedule a program, send an email to
Registration begins July 15 for programs from September through December and Oct. 15 for programs from January through August.
To ensure quality programs, please arrange to be at the Discovery Center for the full length of the program, plus lunch. Please add 30 minutes to program times for lunch.
Note: Kindergarten classes are limited to one workshop per day.
Self-Guided Visits
The Discovery Center is a great place to visit even if you aren’t able to schedule a program with our naturalists. We have a few resources we would love to share with you if you think you’d like to bring a group on an adventure at our site. Call for details: 816-759-7300.
In-Person Programs
At the Discovery Center
Pre-K (ages 3-5)
Discover Trees
45 minutes
Through a story, exploration, and outdoor play, students will learn all about the characteristics of trees and how wildlife and people benefit from trees.
Missouri Learning Standards: VI.B.1.b; VI.B.2.b and VI.B.4.c
Grade K
Becoming Bears
2 hours
Discover one of Missouri’s largest mammals, the black bear. Through hands-on activities, students will learn the characteristics of bears, what they need in their habitat to survive, and how they are able to thrive in Missouri.
Missouri Learning Standards: K.PS1.A.1, K.PS3.B.1, K.LS1.C.1, K.ESS1.B.1, K.ESS2.E.1, K.ESS3.A.1, 1.LS3.A.1
Grades K–2
Outdoor Sensations
2 hours
The natural world is filled with sights, sounds, textures, and smells. Students will learn how wild animals rely on their senses to survive while meeting animal ambassadors. Through hands-on activities, students will explore their four of their senses (not taste) to better experience nature.
Missouri Learning Standards: K.PS3.A.1, K.LS1.C.1, K.ESS1.B.1, K.ESS2.E.1, K.ESS3.A.1, K.ESS3.C.1, K.ETS1.A.1, 1.PS3.A.1, 1.LS3.A.1, 1.ETS1.A.1, 2.ESS2.C.1, 2.ETS1.A.1
Grades 1–2
Seeds to Trees
2 hours
From seed to sapling to mighty oak, trees change through the seasons and the years. Through hands-on activities, students will explore the life cycle of a tree, learn to identify trees, and learn the different resources trees provide. They will explore different ways to identify trees; from nuts to fruits to leaves. The program concludes with students making their own tree art.
Missouri Learning Standards: K.PS1.A.1, K.LS1.C.1, K.ESS1.B.1, K.ESS2.E.1, K.ESS3.A.1, 1.LS3.A.1, 1.ETS1.A.1,1.ETS1.B.1, 2.ETS1.A.1, 2.ETS1.B1
Grades 3–4
No Place Like MISSOURI
3 hours — Not available Dec. 1 through March 8
Ecosystems provide organisms with everything they need to survive. Through hands-on investigation and activities, students will explore the plants and animals living in Missouri's aquatic, prairie, and forest ecosystems. This program will be mostly outdoors.
Missouri Learning Standards: 3LS3.B.1, 3.LS3.C.1, 3.LS3.D.1, 4.LS1.A.1, 5.PS3.D.1
Grades 3–8
Crossing Missouri
2 to 4 hours (depending on group size) — Not available Dec. 1 through March 8
Lewis and Clark’s Corps of Discovery crossed Missouri in 1804 as the expedition began and in 1806 as they returned. Through hands-on rotational experiences, students will learn the survival skills and natural resources that provided for the expedition’s needs.
Grades 4–5
Staying Alive
3 hours
Organisms rely on specialized structures to survive. Through a hike and hands-on investigations of skulls, beaks, pelts, and live animals, students will identify specialized structures and their uses. This program culminates with an art activity highlighting a Missouri species and how it survives in its habitat.
Missouri Learning Standards: 4.LS1.A.1, 5.PS3.D.1, 5.LS1.A.1, 5.LS1.C.1, 5.LS2.B.1
Grades 5–8
Exploring Your Watershed
3 hours — Not available Dec. 1 through March 8
We all live in a watershed and depend on clean water. Through hands-on exploration, students will examine how our actions shape the waterways around us. Students will assess water quality using live macroinvertebrates to determine the health of an ecosystem.
Missouri Learning Standards: 6-8.LS1.B.2, 6-8.ESS3.A, 6-8.LS2.A.1, 6-8.LS2.C.1, 6-8.LS2.C.2
Virtual Programs
When scheduling a virtual program, please indicate if you will send a virtual link to us or want the Discovery Center to send a link to you.
Grades K–2
Mighty Trees
1 hour
From seed to sapling to shade tree, trees change through time. Students explore life stages and parts of a tree through live outdoor visuals and learn what trees provide.
Missouri Learning Standards: K.PS1.A.1, K.LS1.C.1, K.ESS1.B.1, K.ESS2.E.1, K.ESS3.A.1, 1.LS3.A.1, 1.ETS1.A.1,1. ETS1.B.1, 2.ETS1.A.1, 2.ETS1.B1
Grades 3–5
All About Snakes
45 minutes
Snakes elicit much misunderstanding and apprehension. Most Missouri snakes are harmless. Students will discover snakes that live in the prairies, ponds, swamps, and forests of Missouri. They will also learn what makes them beneficial and even meet our snake ambassadors!
Missouri Learning Standards: 3LS3.B1, 3LS3.C.1, 4.LS1.A.1, 5.LS1.A.1, 6-8.LS1.B.1
Owls Are a Hoot
45 minutes
Owls are without a doubt some of the most fascinating raptors in Missouri. Students will discover the amazing specialized structures and behavioral adaptations of these nighttime predators. Whoooo knows, you too may learn to speak their language! It’ll be a hoot!
Missouri Learning Standards: 3.LS3.B.1, 3.LS3.C.1, 4.LS1.A.1
Programs at Your Location
For Missouri schools within the Kansas City Metro area.
Grades K-2
What Kind Are You?
1 hour
There are a variety of animal families in Missouri. The differences between them make each family unique. Hands-on interactive activities in this program will highlight those characteristics. Students will also have a chance to get up close and personal with a Discovery Center animal ambassador!
Missouri Learning Standards: K.PS1.A.1, 1.LS3.A.1
Mighty Trees
1 hour
From seed to sapling to shade tree, trees change through time. Students explore life stages and parts of a tree through live outdoor visuals and learn what trees provide.
Missouri Learning Standards: K.PS1.A.1, K.LS1.C.1, K.ESS1.B.1, K.ESS2.E.1, K.ESS3.A.1, 1.LS3.A.1, 1.ETS1.A.1,1. ETS1.B.1, 2.ETS1.A.1, 2.ETS1.B1
Grades 3-5
M.A.D. Wildlife
1 hour
Seasonal changes affect plant and animal behavior, including people. Winter is stressful for most organisms and where we see the most adaptations. Students will participate in activities to learn how plants and animals survive during these major changes and why organisms behave the way that they do in their specific ecosystem.
Missouri Learning Standards: 3.LS3.B.1, 3.LS3.C.1, 3.LS3.D.1, 4.LS1.A.1, 5.LS1.A.1, 5.LS2.B.1, 5.ESS1.B.1
Dissect and Discover!
1 hour
Owls are a unique nocturnal bird. Through hands-on activities, students will learn about owls and the specialized structures they use for survival. Students will become wildlife biologists as they dissect and examine owl pellets, discovering the diet of this predaceous raptor!
Missouri Learning Standards: 3.LS3.B.1, 3.LS3.C.1, 4.LS1.A.1, 5.PS3.D.1
Burr Oak Woods Conservation Nature Center
Burr Oak Woods Conservation Nature Center (CNC), located in Blue Springs just north of I-70, is managed by the Missouri Department of Conservation. Nestled in the heart of this 1,071-acre conservation area are six hiking trails, including two paved trails, which provide easy access to most parts of the area.
The interpretive center has educational and informative exhibits, including a 3,000-gallon freshwater aquarium, the Discover Nature play area, a wildlife viewing room, and a variety of live amphibians and reptiles.
Find out more about the nature center, including directions, maps, and building hours.

Burr Oak Woods CNC
What to Expect at Burr Oak Woods
- Please arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled program. Late arrivals will shorten your program time.
- Let us know in advance if anyone in your group needs special accommodations.
- Picnic areas are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Burr Oak Woods has a trash-in/trash-out policy; please bring trash bags for your group.
- Most programs contain an outdoor component. In case of inclement weather, we may substitute an indoor program. If Blue Springs Schools are closed due to weather, all programs will be canceled.
- Your group is important to us. Contact us with your topic of interest and we will strive to meet your needs for a presentation on your topic of choice.
Special Needs Groups
Programs are designed to meet the needs of emotionally, physically, or educationally challenged groups and will focus on a variety of sensory experiences. Flexible, hands-on programs offer a nurturing developmental approach to the study of nature.
Scheduling a Program
Burr Oak Woods Conservation Nature Center has a variety of programs developed for school-age children. Each program incorporates hands-on and minds-on learning opportunities in the outdoors. Programs are designed specifically to enhance science-based subjects, but many are cross-curricular.
For more information or to schedule your free program, call 816-228-3766 or email
Registration begins July 15 for programs from September through December and Oct. 15 for programs from January through August.
Learn on Your Own
Self-guided groups are always welcome! Whether it is hiking on a trail or visiting the nature center, contact us in advance. Trail maps and other handouts are available upon request.
In-Person Programs
Naturalist-led programs at Burr Oak Woods CNC.
Grade Pre-K (ages 3–5)
Naturally Sense-Sational
45 minutes
Head out on the trails of Burr Oak Woods to discover how to see, smell, touch, taste, and hear just like our wild animal friends. This program includes a puppet show and trail hike.
Nature’s Hide and Seek
45 minutes
Now you see me, now you don’t! Discover the strategies animals use to avoid predators or to search for prey. Observational skills will be put to the test as we play interactive games and hike down a hidden trail.
Grade Kindergarten
Micro Forest Adventure
1 hour
Did you know there is a mini world beneath our feet? We will use magnifying glasses to focus on how tiny plants and animals work together on the forest floor to support a healthy ecosystem.
Missouri Learning Standards: K.PS1.A.1, K.PS3.A.1, K.LS1.C.1, K.ESS3.A.1, K.ESS3.C.1
Nature’s Neighborhood
1 hour
Visit a forest, prairie, and pond to learn what makes each habitat unique and find out who lives there. Discover how each habitat provides everything plants and animals need for survival.
Missouri Learning Standards: K.PS3.A.1, K.LS1.C.1, K.ESS3.A.1, K.ESS2.E.1, K.ESS3.C.1
Nature’s Naming Game
1 hour
Grouping wild animals by their special features is our nature game! Become a scientist for the day and observe animal characteristics and patterns of behavior to classify them into similar groups.
Missouri Learning Standards: K.PS1.A.1, K.LS1.C.1, K.ESS3.1
Grades 1–2
Missouri’s Creepiest Residents
1.5 hours
Missouri is home to many amazing animals, including some that many people think are “creepy.” During this game-show-style program, we will discover how their creepy adaptations help them survive.
Missouri Learning Standards: 1.LS1.A.1
Mammal Mysteries
1.5 hours
We have a mystery to solve! We have some mammals who have been using their special adaptations to get into some mischief. We will become detectives and study clues left behind while learning what makes Missouri mammals unique.
Missouri Learning Standards: 1.LS1.A.1, 1.LS3.A.1
Wild About Plants
1.5 hours
Why should you be wild about plants? Because they are essential to life on our planet! From oxygen to fruits, their values are endless. Join us as we explore a plant’s needs plus investigate how plants and pollinators trade services to survive.
Missouri Learning Standards: 1.LS1.A.1, 2. LS2.A.1; 2.LS2.A.2, 1.LS3.A.1
Grades 3–5
Signs of Survival
2 hours
Who lives here? How do you know? There are always signs left behind. We will hike to find clues that tell us what special adaptations plants and wild animals need to survive. This program includes meeting animal ambassadors.
Missouri Learning Standards: 3.LS1.B.1, 3.LS3.A.1, 3.LS3.B.1, 3.LS3.C.1, 3.LS3.D.1, 4.LS1.A.1, 4.LS1.D.1
Giants of the Forest
2 hours
Trees are some of the largest living things on earth! We will learn about the life cycle of a tree, how they produce food using photosynthesis, and how they fit into the forest food web. We will also collect scientific data to estimate the age of a tree. This program includes meeting an animal ambassador.
Missouri Learning Standards: 3.LS1.B.1, 3.LS3.A.1, 3.LS3.B.1, 3.LS3.D.1, 4LS1.A.1, 5.PS3.D.1, 5.LS1.C.1
Cycle of Life
2 hours
Discover the transfer of energy and relationships between organisms that make up the food web. We will investigate the traits of producers, consumers, and decomposers and their adaptations that help them to survive. Plus, we will learn about how humans impact the food web.
Missouri Learning Standards: 3.LS3.A.1, 3.LS3.C.1, 3.LS3.D.1, 4.LS1.A.1, 4.LS1.D.1, 5.PS3.D.1, 5.LS2.B.1
Mixed-Age Programs
Nature’s Superpowers
1 hour
Superheroes are not the only ones with powers! In this exciting program, we will learn about some of Missouri’s super animals and how their superpowers help them survive in the wild.
Missouri Learning Standards: K.ESS3.C.1, K.LS1.C.1, 1.LS1.A.1, 3.LS1.B.1, 3. LS3.B.1, 3.LS3.C.1, 4.LS1.A.1, 4.LS1.D.1, 5.LS2.B.1
Seasonal; 1 hour
Enter a fantastic new world — the world of our six-legged friends! We will become entomologists and marvel at incredible insect adaptations. We will then venture into a prairie to look for these unique and wonderful creatures.
Missouri Learning Standards: K.ESS3.C.1, K.LS1.C.1, 1.LS1.A.1, 3.LS1.B.1, 3. LS3.B.1, 3.LS3.C.1, 4.LS1.A.1, 4.LS1.D.1, 5.LS2.B.1
Backyard Birds
1 hour
Many colorful and entertaining birds live in our state, and there are many ways to attract them to your yard! Learn how to identify common Missouri backyard birds and what it takes to lure them in!
Missouri Learning Standards: K.ESS3.C.1, K.LS1.C.1, 1.LS1.A.1, 3.LS1.B.1, 3. LS3.B.1, 3.LS3.C.1, 4.LS1.A.1, 4.LS1.D.1, 5.LS2.B.1
No Boundaries: Cold-Blooded Critters
Sensory-friendly; 1 hour
Slither, crawl, hop, or swim into the exciting world of Missouri’s amphibians and reptiles. These cold-blooded animals are unique, diverse, and very important to our ecosystem. Join us as we learn about these wonderful creatures. Plus, we will get a chance to meet some!
Missouri Learning Standards: K.ESS3.C.1, K.LS1.C.1, 1.LS1.A.1, 3.LS1.B.1, 3. LS3.B.1, 3.LS3.C.1, 4.LS1.A.1, 4.LS1.D.1, 5.LS2.B.1
No Boundaries: Incredible Mammals of Missouri
Sensory-friendly; 1 hour
What’s soft and furry and doesn’t lay eggs? Mammals! They’re the warmest animals around! Get up close and personal with real furs to see and feel some of the most common Missouri mammals.
Missouri Learning Standards: K.ESS3.C.1, K.LS1.C.1, 1.LS1.A.1, 3.LS1.B.1, 3. LS3.B.1, 3.LS3.C.1, 4.LS1.A.1, 4.LS1.D.1, 5.LS2.B.1
Virtual Programs
Naturalist-led programs via Webex or meeting platform of your choice.
Grade Pre-K (ages 3–5)
Wild Babies
45 minutes
Can you match a wild animal baby with its mother? Through hands-on activities, we will explore furs, feathers, scales, and special features to learn who belongs to whom. This program includes meeting an animal ambassador.
Grades Kindergarten
Nature’s Neighborhood
1 hour
Visit a forest, prairie, and pond to learn what makes each habitat unique and find out who lives there. Discover how each habitat provides everything plants and animals need for survival.
Missouri Learning Standards: K.PS3.A.1, K.LS1.C.1, K.ESS3.A.1, K.ESS2.E.1, K.ESS3.C.1
Grades 1–2
Missouri’s Creepiest Residents
1.5 hours
Missouri is home to many amazing animals, including some that many people think are “creepy.” During this game-show-style program, we will discover how their creepy adaptations help them survive.
Missouri Learning Standards: 1.LS1.A.1
Grades 3–5
Cycle of Life
2 hours
Discover the transfer of energy and relationships between organisms that make up the food web. We will investigate the traits of producers, consumers, and decomposers and their adaptations that help them to survive. Plus, we will learn about how humans impact the food web.
Missouri Learning Standards: 3.LS3.A.1, 3.LS3.C.1, 3.LS3.D.1, 4.LS1.A.1, 4.LS1.D.1, 5.PS3.D.1, 5.LS2.B.1
Mixed-Age Programs
Nature’s Superpowers
1 hour
Superheroes are not the only ones with powers! In this exciting program, we will learn about some of Missouri’s super animals and how their superpowers help them survive in the wild.
Missouri Learning Standards: K.ESS3.C.1, K.LS1.C.1, 1.LS1.A.1, 3.LS1.B.1, 3. LS3.B.1, 3.LS3.C.1, 4.LS1.A.1, 4.LS1.D.1, 5.LS2.B.1
Backyard Birds
1 hour
Many colorful and entertaining birds live in our state, and there are many ways to attract them to your yard! Learn how to identify common Missouri backyard birds and what it takes to lure them in!
Missouri Learning Standards: K.ESS3.C.1, K.LS1.C.1, 1.LS1.A.1, 3.LS1.B.1, 3. LS3.B.1, 3.LS3.C.1, 4.LS1.A.1, 4.LS1.D.1, 5.LS2.B.1
Programs at Your Location
Naturalist-led programs at your school or education center.
Grade Pre-K (ages 3–5)
Wild Babies
45 minutes
Can you match a wild animal baby with its mother? Through hands-on activities, we will explore furs, feathers, scales, and special features to learn who belongs to whom. This program includes meeting an animal ambassador.
Grade Kindergarten
Nature’s Naming Game
1 hour
Grouping wild animals by their special features is our nature game! Become a scientist for the day and observe animal characteristics and patterns of behavior to classify them into similar groups.
Missouri Learning Standards: K.PS1.A.1, K.LS1.C.1, K.ESS3.1
Grades 1–2
Missouri’s Creepiest Residents
1.5 hours
Missouri is home to many amazing animals, including some that many people think are “creepy.” During this game-show-style program, we will discover how their creepy adaptations help them survive.
Missouri Learning Standards: 1.LS1.A.1
Grades 3–5
Cycle of Life
2 hours
Discover the transfer of energy and relationships between organisms that make up the food web. We will investigate the traits of producers, consumers, and decomposers and their adaptations that help them to survive. Plus, we will learn about how humans impact the food web.
Missouri Learning Standards: 3.LS3.A.1, 3.LS3.C.1, 3.LS3.D.1, 4.LS1.A.1, 4.LS1.D.1, 5.PS3.D.1, 5.LS2.B.1
Mixed-Age Programs
Nature’s Superpowers
1 hour
Superheroes are not the only ones with powers! In this exciting program, we will learn about some of Missouri’s super animals and how their superpowers help them survive in the wild.
Missouri Learning Standards: K.ESS3.C.1, K.LS1.C.1, 1.LS1.A.1, 3.LS1.B.1, 3. LS3.B.1, 3.LS3.C.1, 4.LS1.A.1, 4.LS1.D.1, 5.LS2.B.1
No Boundaries: Cold-Blooded Critters
Sensory-friendly; 1 hour
Slither, crawl, hop, or swim into the exciting world of Missouri’s amphibians and reptiles. These cold-blooded animals are unique, diverse, and very important to our ecosystem. Join us as we learn about these wonderful creatures. Plus, we will get a chance to meet some!
Missouri Learning Standards: K.ESS3.C.1, K.LS1.C.1, 1.LS1.A.1, 3.LS1.B.1, 3. LS3.B.1, 3.LS3.C.1, 4.LS1.A.1, 4.LS1.D.1, 5.LS2.B.1
No Boundaries: Incredible Mammals of Missouri
Sensory-friendly; 1 hour
What’s soft and furry and doesn’t lay eggs? Mammals! They’re the warmest animals around! Get up close and personal with real furs to see and feel some of the most common Missouri mammals.
Missouri Learning Standards: K.ESS3.C.1, K.LS1.C.1, 1.LS1.A.1, 3.LS1.B.1, 3. LS3.B.1, 3.LS3.C.1, 4.LS1.A.1, 4.LS1.D.1, 5.LS2.B.1