How do bears find food when they wake up?
Download and reference Kindergarten: Bears Through the Season teacher guide (link to teacher guide) pages 138-145 and student guide (link to student guide) pages 86-89 for full lesson plan
Portal Resources
Noticing and Wonderings Chart
(122.65 KB)
3D Token Cut Outs
(107.29 KB)
Raspberry, Strawberry, Almond Pictures
(283.61 KB)
List of Materials
- 3D Token Cut-Outs page
- 5 boxes or jars (large enough to put in 5 tokens and cotton balls with scents on them, either as a liquid extract or as a spice or herb). Be sure to consider any food or medical allergies of your students before choosing your scents. Suggested scents include: cinnamon, cumin, garlic powder, cocoa powder, ground mustard and extracts (vanilla, pineapple, banana, almond, orange, peppermint)
- 12 tokens for the nut (almond) box or jar
- 2 tokens for the strawberry box or jar
- 2 tokens for the raspberry box or jar
- 1 picture or raspberry, 1 picture of strawberry, 1 picture of almonds
- 10 small envelopes (one for each scent inside the boxes or jars and one for each scent to be passed around)
- Book: Under the Snow by Melissa Stewart
Estimated Time
2.5 hours
- Engage: 20 minutes
- Explore: 45 minutes
- Explain: 15 minutes
- Elaborate: 30 minutes
- Evaluate: 15 minutes
- Extend: 15 minutes
Lesson Extensions
Cross-Curricular Extensions
Discuss what students had for breakfast or lunch. As a class, create a shopping list for getting all these items from the grocery store. Count as many items on your list. Split your list out by fruits and vegetables, meat, grains, dairy, sweets, drinks, etc. Graph the number of different foods by category.
Animal Needs
Missouri Learning Standard
Next Generation Science Standard
Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI)
Science and Engineering Practices (SEP)
Crosscutting Concepts (CCC)