How do our homes keep us safe during bad weather?
Download and reference Kindergarten: Bears Through the Season teacher guide (link to teacher guide) pages 130-137 and student guide (link to student guide) pages 82-85 for full lesson plan.
Portal Resources
Noticing and Wonderings Chart
(122.65 KB)
3C Family Cut-Outs Sheet
(484.02 KB)
3C Homes of Missouri Animals
(416.03 KB)
List of Materials
- 3C Family Cut-Outs Sheet
- 3C Homes of Missouri Animals page
- Book: What is Severe Weather? by Jennifer Boothroyd
- One bag of flour
- One copy of a paper family per group (same in the slideshow)
- Sifter to help pour the flour
- Water
- One cup (to pour the water)
- Various materials to build shelters:
- Modeling clay
- Cardboard
- Aluminum foil
- Sticks
- Rocks
- Paper
- Leaves
- Plastic wrap
- Student Guide and pencil
Estimated Time
3 hours
- Engage: 30 minutes
- Explore: 60 minutes
- Explain: 15 minutes
- Elaborate: 30 minutes
- Evaluate: 15 minutes
- Extend: 20 minutes
Lesson Extensions
Cross-Curricular Extensions
Weather Report – Role Play sharing a weather forecast and how to dress for the upcoming weather.
Animal Needs
Missouri Learning Standard
Next Generation Science Standard
Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI)
Science and Engineering Practices (SEP)
Crosscutting Concepts (CCC)