4A Hello Spring!

What do people and animals do in the spring?

Download and reference Kindergarten: Bears Through the Season teacher guide (link to teacher guide) pages 148-153 and student guide (link to student guide) pages 92-95 for full lesson plan.

Portal Resources
List of Materials
  • Book: Hello Spring by Shelley Rotner
  • Chart paper and markers
  • 4A Daily Weather Data Chart
  • 4A Match Bear Activity to the Season Handout
  • Student guide and pencil
Estimated Time

2 hours

  • Engage: 20 minutes + 10 minutes x 20 days
  • Explore: 15 minutes
  • Explain: 30 minutes
  • Elaborate: 30 minutes
  • Evaluate: 15 minutes
Lesson Extensions
Cross-Curricular Extensions

Review the senses. We learn about the world as we see, hear, smell, and touch what is around us. Have students make four sections on a piece of paper and in each section, record with words or drawings what they notice around them. Afterwards, make a classroom list of their recordings, listing what they heard, saw, smelled, and touched.

  • Which list is longest? Which is shortest? Graph these results.
Missouri Learning Standard
Next Generation Science Standard
Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI)