Spring for a Bear

Spring for a Bear

The following lessons are intended to start at the conclusion of Unit 3 in February and conclude by the end of the school year.

  • Lesson 4A: 2 hours + additional daily observation time
  • Lesson 4B: 2 hours + additional weekly observation time
  • Lesson 4C: 1.5 hours
  • Lesson 4D: 1.5 hours
  • Lesson 4E: 2 hours
Essential Statements
  • I can identify how plants change their environments to meet their needs.
  • I can explain how the amount of daylight changes through the year and how that affects plan growth.
  • I can explain how the temperature changes throughout the year.
  • I can identify ways to be bear aware and how I can reduce my impact on Missouri wildlife.

Essential Reading

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3

Lesson 4A

  • Hello Spring! ; Rotner, Shelley ; Lesson 4A

Lesson 4B

  • Plants Can’t Sit Still ; Hirsch, Rebecca E ; Lesson 4B

Lesson 4C

  • Over and Under the Pond ; Messner, Kate ; Lesson 4C


  • Aware: noticing something (Lesson 4D)
  • Danger(ous): able to cause harm; not safe (Lesson 4D)
  • Grow(th): to become larger (Lesson 4A)
  • Need: something you must have (Lesson 4B)
  • Seasons: different times of year called spring, summer, fall, and winter (Lesson 4A)
  • Spring: a season when plants and trees begin to grow, between winter and summer (Lesson 4A)
  • Sprout: to grow, on a plant this is often seen as a new leaf or flower bud (Lesson 4B)
  • Test: a plan to show what is learned (Lesson 4B)