How do crickets make sound?
Download and reference First Grade: Exploring Missouri teacher guide pages 38-43 and student guide pages 18-25 for full lesson plan.
Portal Resources
Hummingbirds Dive-Bomb Display
2A Mourning Dove
List of Materials
- Soup or vegetable cans with ridges and combs
- Pencils and/or pens
- Crayons
- Rulers or popsicle sticks
- Outside area, sticks, and trees
- Purchased crickets, if needed or desired. (Teacher Note: Purchased crickets cannot be released outside)
- Audio: Singing Insects CD Soundtracks (link) Can upload the linked document
- Video: Crickets Chirping (link) Can upload the linked document
- Video: Hummingbird Diving Display (link) Can upload the linked document
- Video: Mourning Dove (link) Can upload the linked document
- Supplemental Video: Understanding Vibration and Pitch (link) Can upload the linked document
Estimated Time
2 hours
- Engage: 15 minutes
- Explore: 30 minutes
- Explain: 15 minutes
- Elaborate: 30 minutes
- Evaluate: 15 minutes
Sounds and Vibrations
Missouri Learning Standard
Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI)
Science and Engineering Practices (SEP)
Crosscutting Concepts (CCC)