Chirping Crickets

Chirping Crickets
  • Lesson 2A: 2 hours
  • Lesson 2B: 2 hours
  • Unit 2 Review
    • Summative Assessment: 10 minutes
    • Putting It All Together: 20 minutes
Essential Statements
  • I can hear sound.
  • I can feel sound vibrations.
  • I can tell how sound gets to my ears.
Essential Questions

How do crickets make sound? 

How does sound travel? 


  • Communicate – to share information, news, or ideas (Lesson 2B) 
  • Insect – a small animal with six legs and a hard cover (exoskeleton) over its body. Most have three body parts, some have wings (Lesson 2A) 
  • Matter – anything that has mass and takes up space (Lesson 2A) 
  • Sound – vibrations that travel through air and can be heard by ears (Lesson 2A) 
  • Vibrate – moving quickly back and forth (Lesson 2A) 
  • Wave – to move back and forth (Lesson 2A)