This is a two-part blended BAI class. All participants must be 18 years old or older. All non in-service teachers/volunteers will need to provide a note from your district that you are eligible to attend the training. When you register, please use an email that will follow you, as there is a required yearly reporting email sent by NASP that requires a response to maintain your certification. You must complete the Online portion before you can attend the “field day”. You will be sent the links for the online curriculum at the time of registration.
The Hybrid Basic Archery Instructor (BAI) training is for teachers who wish to teach Missouri's National Archery in the Schools Program (MoNASP). Participants must complete the online portion and pass the online exam prior to attending the in-person portion of training. Once registered an e-mail will be sent with the link to the online portion of the program. Volunteers other than teachers will need to gain approval for their attendance from their prospective school before registration.
Nature Unfolds:
The Discover Nature Schools program, Nature Unfolds, is a program designed for students to learn about seasons, weather, life cycles, and parent/offspring relationships. Not only does the program meet the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Missouri Learning Standards, but there are also big benefits for students. Learning outdoors improves student physical and mental health and reduces attention-deficit problems.
The program includes the follow items:
Nature Unfolds:
The Discover Nature Schools program, Nature Unfolds, is a program designed for students to learn about seasons, weather, life cycles, and parent/offspring relationships. Not only does the program meet the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Missouri Learning Standards, but there are also big benefits for students. Learning outdoors improves student physical and mental health and reduces attention-deficit problems.
The program includes the follow items:
Nature Unfolds:
The Discover Nature Schools program, Nature Unfolds, is a program designed for students to learn about seasons, weather, life cycles, and parent/offspring relationships. Not only does the program meet the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Missouri Learning Standards, but there are also big benefits for students. Learning outdoors improves student physical and mental health and reduces attention-deficit problems.
The program includes the follow items:
Participants will explore the MDC Discover Nature Schools Kindergarten – 12th grade curriculum units through interactive field experiences within common Southeast ecosystems such as biodiversity studies and water quality testing during a kayak trip on a local river, as well as conducting ecosystem studies at Duck Creek Conservation Area. Educators will participate in lessons and create their own interactive field experience for their school classroom for the upcoming year.
The Discover Nature Schools, Nature Unhooked, is a program for 6th-8th grade teachers. This hands-on, inquiry-based teacher workshop will be an engaging foundation for the Nature Unhooked lessons. The materials are aligned to the Missouri Learning Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards. We will discover the local aquatic life and their importance to people and natural communities.
The program includes the follow items at no charge for Missouri Teachers: