Nature Unleashed

Grade Level

Nature Unleashed includes a student book, science notebook, and teacher guide to help elementary students learn about Missouri’s ponds, forests and prairies.

Li, Christine instructor 

In cooperation with Dr. Christine Li at Mizzou Natural Resource History and Interpretation class    11:00am-11:50am on October 10, 12 & 15, 2018 

Private Nature Unleashed workshop for 4th grade teachers in Hazelwood School District - - expecting 20 attendees

Join us for a Nature Unleashed training!  We will be inside and outside, so dress for the weather and wear something that can get dirty.

The Discover Nature (DNS) program includes engaging and hands-on outdoor learning featuring Missouri’s flora, fauna and ecosystems. This workshop on Nature Unleashed (for grades 3rd- 5th ) highlights three Missouri ecosystems (Prairie, Pond and Forest). Topics include living/non-living, plant and animal adaptations, predator/prey relationships and food chains/webs of the three ecosystems.

The Discover Nature (DNS) program includes engaging and hands-on outdoor learning featuring Missouri’s flora, fauna and ecosystems. This workshop on Nature Unleashed (for grades 3rd- 5th ) highlights three Missouri ecosystems (Prairie, Pond and Forest). Topics include living/non-living, plant and animal adaptations, predator/prey relationships and food chains/webs of the three ecosystems.

Nature Unleashed training to 3 teachers at King City Elem.

Homeschool DNS Nature Unleashed training 

California 5th grade teacher training - DNS Nature Unleashed 

Unleashed for Pre-Service Teachers.

8 attendees.

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