What causes something to get warmer?
Download and reference First Grade: Exploring Missouri teacher guide pages 22-27 and student guide pages 2-9 for full lesson plan.
Portal Resources
1A Heat Source Resource Cards.pdf
(1.79 MB)
List of Materials
- One set of 5-watt incandescent holiday lights (Note: LED will not work.)
- Ice cubes
- Small paper plates
- Lamp with 40-watt incandescent light bulb (preferably a spotlight or floodlight)
- Timer (5-minute increments)
- Permanent marker
- Ruler or long piece of yarn
- Sunny day, go outside with students to compare how sun and shade feel
- 1A Heat Source Resource Cards(link)
Estimated Time
2.5 hours
- Engage: 20 minutes
- Explore: 50 minutes
- Explain: 30 minutes
- Elaborate: 30 minutes
- Evaluate: 20 minutes
Missouri Learning Standard
Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI)
Science and Engineering Practices (SEP)
Crosscutting Concepts (CCC)