Nature Unleashed includes a student book, science notebook, and teacher guide to help elementary students learn about Missouri’s ponds, forests and prairies.
The Discover Nature Schools (DNS) program, Nature Unleashed, is a curriculum of 8 units designed for 3rd-5th grade students to promote understanding of Missouri habitats by exploring food chains and the roles of producers and consumers as well as specialized structures and biotic and abiotic factors. The curriculum supports Missouri Learning Standards (MLS) in science, particularly life science.
Join us as we delve into the Discover Nature Schools Nature Unleashed curriculum. We will explore a few of the activities in the program and then you will have a chance to teach one of your favorites! This workshop will take place on the MSU West Plains campus for pre-service teachers.
**This is a virtual training for Southeast Missouri Teachers. This training is limited to the following counties since supplies and materials will be hand delivered to the school district/building approximately 1 week before the virtual training date. Counties: Bollinger, Butler, Dunklin, Stoddard, Wayne, Perry, Ste. Genevieve, Saint Francois, Iron, Madison, Cape Girardeau, Scott, Mississippi, New Madrid, Pemiscot.
Explore Missouri’s prairies with MDC’s Discover Nature Schools: Nature Unleashed curriculum.
This on-site, immersive workshop is being held at Wah’Kon-Tah Prairie Conservation Area, an MDC priority geography. MDC works with private landowners and other conservation entities in those geographies to protect and restore functioning native grasslands and stream watersheds.
Explore Missouri’s prairies with MDC’s Discover Nature Schools: Nature Unleashed curriculum.
This on-site, immersive workshop is being held at Dunn Ranch Prairie Conservation Area, an MDC priority geography. MDC works with private landowners and other conservation entities in those geographies to protect and restore functioning native grasslands and stream watersheds.
DNS Nature Unleashed Hybrid - Virtual Portion
Nature Unleashed is the grade 3-5 level ecology unit in the Discover Nature Schools (DNS) series from the Missouri Department of Conservation. Emphasis of this unit is on student-centered and collaborative investigations of ecosystem components, cycles of matter and energy transfer, interdependent relationships, and human impacts.
Help your students discover what's outside by collecting data and observations of our Missouri ecology of different ecosystems such as prairies, forests and ponds, food chain interactions within those different ecosystems, organism adaptations, and so much much more. All of this is right at your fingertips with our Discover Nature Schools Unleashed Unit designed for 3rd grade to 5th grade students - free to all Missouri public, private, and homeschool teachers.;
Buzz into pollination in this virtual workshop! Explore Missouri’s butterflies, bees, hummingbirds, and other pollinators.
The inquiry-based curriculum, Monarchs and More is written in an easy-to-follow format and aligned to standards. This arthropod-based curriculum engages 3rd-8th grade students with hands-on learning.
Due to the interactive nature of our presentation, it works best to join from a computer. Prepare to have your video on 90% of the time and actively participate. (This presentation will not be recorded.)
Buzz into pollination in this virtual workshop! Explore Missouri’s butterflies, bees, hummingbirds, and other pollinators.
The inquiry-based curriculum, Monarchs and More is written in an easy-to-follow format and aligned to standards. This arthropod-based curriculum engages 3rd-8th grade students with hands-on learning.
Due to the interactive nature of our presentation, it works best to join from a computer. Prepare to have your video on 90% of the time and actively participate. (This presentation will not be recorded.)
Buzz into pollination in this virtual workshop! Explore Missouri’s butterflies, bees, hummingbirds, and other pollinators.
The inquiry-based curriculum, Monarchs and More is written in an easy-to-follow format and aligned to standards. This arthropod-based curriculum engages 3rd-8th grade students with hands-on learning.
Due to the interactive nature of our presentation, it works best to join from a computer. Prepare to have your video on 90% of the time and actively participate. (This presentation will not be recorded.)