Nature Unleashed includes a student book, science notebook, and teacher guide to help elementary students learn about Missouri’s ponds, forests and prairies.
Private Workshop for Columbia Independent School 3-5th grade
Discover Nature Schools (DNS) is a hands-on science/conservation education program for K-12 students. This work shop will take place over two sessions. The first session will be from 6:00-10:00pm on April 2nd. The second session will be on April 4th from 9:00-11:00am.
Trained Amy Yocum in Nature Unbound
The workshop time frame will be from 9am-noon; then from 2-5pm with a 2 hour break in the middle. DNS Unleashed training will be the first part and the Grant Application/Cooperative Agreement the second part with an open Q&A and any other activity and/or curriculum overview that needs a deeper dive into.
The two hour break for lunch and reading over grant before we cover it together.
Nature Unleashed helps elementary students understand ecosystem connections through exploring Missouri’s ponds, forests, and prairies inside and outside the classroom.
We will be exploring natural phenomena of Missouri in the fall and sharing activities from our Discover Nature Schools' 6th-8th grade unit: Nature Unleashed at this workshop.
Snap some photos of interesting things you have observed in nature and come prepared to get outdoors and dirty at this hands-on workshop.
Conducted training via Webex from home office.
The Discover Nature Schools program, Nature Unleashed, is a program designed to allow elementary students hands-on interactions and understanding of Missouri habitats, food webs, predator/prey relationships, and adaptations. Not only does the program meet the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Missouri Learning Standards, but there are also big benefits for students. A recent study of the program shows that Nature Unleashed increased the amount of time students spent in activities and field experiences outside the classroom.
The Discover Nature (DNS) program includes engaging and hands-on outdoor learning featuring Missouri’s flora, fauna and ecosystems. This workshop on Nature Unleashed (for grades 3rd- 5th) highlights three Missouri ecosystems (Prairie, Pond and Forest). Topics include living/non-living, plant and animal adaptations, predator/prey relationships and food chains/webs of the three ecosystems.
Conduct Nature Unleashed workshop.
University of Missouri- DNS Unleashed Workshop for the college course: ENV SC&NAT R4024/7024
Foundations of Environmental Science
T/Th class 3:30-4:45