4B Inspired by Animals

What external parts of isopods inspire us?

Download and reference First Grade: Exploring Missouri teacher guide pages 76-81 and student guide pages 54-60 for full lesson plan.

List of Materials
  • Wet paper towels – 1 per student group
  • Small dishes or magnifying containers
  • Magnifiers
  • Recycled materials (plastic containers, toilet paper rolls, packing materials, cardboard)
  • Choose one book from the What If You Had... series by Sandra Markle. All books available on Epic!
    • What If You Had Animal Eyes!?
    • What If You Had Animal Ears!?
    • What If You Had An Animal Nose!?
  • Hula hoops – 1 per student group (3-4 students each)
  • Missouri Armored Animals Class Book (from Lesson 4A)
  • Flashlight
  • MDC Field Guide: Isopods
Estimated Time

3.5 hours

  • Engage: 15 minutes
  • Explore: 30 minutes
  • Explain: 60 minutes
  • Elaborate: 90 minutes
  • Evaluate: 15 minutes
Lesson Extensions
Cross-Curricular Extensions

English Language Arts

Write a short story where you pretend to be an armored animal. Tell about how your armor protects you from danger and other experiences within your day. Add pictures to help tell your story.


Collaborate or involve the art teacher. Make vests using large paper grocery bags and have each student create their own armor. 

Animal Needs
Structure and Function
Missouri Learning Standard
Next Generation Science Standard
Crosscutting Concepts (CCC)