**This is a virtual training for Southeast Missouri Teachers. This training is limited to the following counties since supplies and materials will be hand delivered to the school district/building approximately 1 week before the virtual training date. Counties: Bollinger, Butler, Dunklin, Stoddard, Wayne, Perry, Ste. Genevieve, Saint Francois, Iron, Madison, Cape Girardeau, Scott, Mississippi, New Madrid, Pemiscot.
Teachers will be expected to complete the given hands-on activities and watch a few virtual components before the virtual training date.
The Discover Nature Schools program, Nature Unfolds, is a program designed for students to learn about seasons, weather, life cycles, and parent/offspring relationships. Not only does the program meet the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Missouri Learning Standards, but there are also big benefits for students. Learning outdoors improves student physical and mental health and reduces attention-deficit problems.
The program includes the follow items: