Exploring Aquatic Ecology with Discover Nature Schools

Workshop Dates
DNS Unit or MDC Program
Nature Revealed

What are the two longest rivers in the United States and where do they meet? Does anything special happen to my drinking water or is it straight from the river? What is a watershed? Join us to learn more about the fascinating waterways of Missouri! In this workshop, you will learn about the ecology of the Missouri and the Mississippi Rivers, their water chemistry, and how human behaviors impact the quality of these rivers.

We will also learn about the aquatic macroinvertebrates found in water and what they mean to water quality. You will learn how to collect and identify common macroinvertebrates and will take home keys to assist you in identification. Macroinvertebrate collection and Identification is a fantastic way to provide hands-on, inquiry-based learning opportunities for students!

Water plays a vital role in all of Missouri’s ecosystems! We will focus on aquatic exercises from each grade level of our Discover Nature Schools curriculum - beginning with our pre-K activity of "Where do animals go when it rains?" and moving up to our 9th-12th grade unit. Come ready to explore! Learning both indoors and outdoors throughout the day.

Dress to go outside tennis shoes or sturdy shoes, sunscreen, water bottle, lunch. Scout, 4H leaders and other youth leaders bring badge and project requirements, so we can help you meet them.

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Ginger Miller
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