DNS Nature Unhooked Middle School Aquatic Unit

Workshop Dates
DNS Unit or MDC Program
Nature Unhooked


Please log into your MDC Teacher Portal Account to access registration tab for this Workshop

Nature Unhooked is the middle school level aquatic unit of the Discover Nature Schools program and is aligned with the Missouri Learning Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards. Emphasis of this unit is on student-centered and collaborative investigations of the properties of water, water cycle, biotic energy flow, biodiversity, and human impacts on aquatic ecosystems. A Project Based Learning component is also included in this unit. This workshop will cover lessons and activities from the unit as well as an outdoor, experiential approach to student learning. All materials will be provided.

Participants in this workshop who will be teaching this unit to 20 or more students will become eligible to participate in the non-competitive grant program for equipment and field trips that support effective implementation of the unit.

Workshop Location
MDC Office
Powder Valley Nature Center
11715 Cragwold Rd
Kirkwood, MO 63122
Contact Details
Contact Name
David Bruns
Contact Phone
Contact Email