Discover Nature Schools: Nature Unleashed Teacher Workshop

Workshop Dates
DNS Unit or MDC Program
Nature Unleashed

Wanting to learn more about Discover Nature Schools for your 3rd-5th graders?! Maybe your wanting to certify in the DNS Nature Unleashed curriculum to take advantage of great activities and grants? Join us for a Discover Nature Schools Teacher Workshop on the Nature Unleashed Unit. This unit is geared towards grades 3-5. We will learn how DNS can work in your classroom, do various activities from the curriculum, and explore grant opportunities from MDC. Feel free to bring lunch, all DNS materials will be provided.

This workshop will take place at the MDC Central Regional Office at 3500 E. Gans Rd. Columbia, MO 65201. It will be from 9-3pm.

To register for this workshop, please login or create an account.
BAI Registration
Workshop Location
MDC Office
Central Regional Office and Conservation Research Center
3500 E Gans Rd
Columbia, MO 65201
Contact Details
Contact Name
Sam Stewart
Contact Phone
Phone Extension
Contact Email