The Nature Unfolds unit focuses on kindergarten through second grade and the activities are aligned to the Missouri Learning Standards and Next Generation Science Standards. The unit includes science notebooks for the students, a See How the Turkey Grows story book and teacher guide. This class will utilize the science notebook for the spring and summer seasons. We will explore the weather, the life cycles and the basic needs of plants and animals.
This “hybrid” workshop is divided into two parts. This “virtual portion” introduces important facets of the teacher guide and student materials including: Unit overview, organization of lessons and activities, assessments, correlation to the MLS and NGSS, and appendices. Outdoor field experiences, use of science notebooks, obtaining teacher and student materials at no cost, and participation in the Nature Unfolds grant program will also be covered. A link to this on-line workshop will be sent by email a few days before the workshop date.
Be sure to download the Nature Unfolds Teacher Guide, Student Guide, Science Correlations or order your free Nature Unleashed curriculum materials prior to the workshop using our Teacher Portal. To order by mail, visit our Teacher Portal homepage and click "DNS Order Form" to submit your request - allow 7-10 business days for arrival.
The second “Field Portion” of the workshop is to be conducted in-person, outdoors, at a field study location and date arranged with your local Conservation Educator. Face coverings and 6’ social distancing covid-19 safety protocols will be followed. This section of the training will include an assessment of outdoor spaces for field experiences, utilization of science notebooks for data collection, practice with science tools and resources, student management tips and techniques. Completion of the virtual portion is recommended prior to attending the Field Portion.
Participants who teach science to more than 20 students and complete both portions of this hybrid workshop will become eligible to participate in the non-competitive grant program for equipment and field trips that support the unit.