Discover Nature Schools - Nature Unfolds

Workshop Dates
DNS Unit or MDC Program
Nature Unfolds

The Discover Nature Schools (DNS) program provides new and interesting curriculum that incorporates hands-on outdoor activities featuring Missouri ecosystems. Teaching students outside has been shown to help improve test scores and help with behavior issues. Each unit comes with excellent teacher and student guides. Nature Unfolds is designed for K-2nd grade educators. The curriculum has been aligned with both the Missouri Learning Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards. These materials are free to public, private, or homeschool educators. Grant monies are also available for field trips and supplies for K-12 teachers in the public or private school sectors.

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BAI Registration
Workshop Location
Mark Twain National Forest Supervisor's Office, Rolla, MO
401 Fairgrounds Rd.
Rolla, MO
Contact Details
Contact Name
Mary Beth Factor
Contact Phone
Phone Extension
Contact Email