This Discover Nature School (DNS) program, Nature Unfolds, is for Kindergarten through 2nd grade. It includes engaging, hands-on outdoor learning that focuses on season, weather, life cycles, and parent/offspring relationships. It has already been correlated to both the Missouri Learning Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards and are designed to work with teacher's needs and existing curriculum. Additionally, learning outdoors improves student physical and mental health and reduces behavioral issues.
During the training, teachers will become familiar with the teacher's guide, student guide, science note-booking, and the online Teacher Portal. Additionally, teachers will experience the activities and outdoor learning themselves. This will help prepare them to implement them and help with their comfort level. Teachers will also become certified to receive the DNS grant funds for learning materials, outdoor classroom materials, and field trips for their schools.
The program includes the following items:
Participants should bring their lunch or eat prior to the start of the workshop at noon, and appropriate clothing for the weather. We will be going outside for a few activities.