Discover Nature Schools- Nature Unfolds

Workshop Dates
DNS Unit or MDC Program
Nature Unfolds

The Discover Nature Schools (DNS) program provides teachers in Missouri with no-cost curriculum units that incorporate hands-on outdoor activities featuring Missouri wildlife and habitats. Each unit has been aligned with the most recent Missouri Learning Standards and Next Generation Science Standards and includes a field-tested teacher guide, as well as student books and science notebooks for each student. Noncompetitive grant funding is available for those who are eligible to purchase classroom supplies and pay for field trip transportation.

This hands-on workshop will prepare educators to teach Nature Unfolds, the conservation education instructional unit for grades K-2.  Workshop participants will receive a copy of the teacher's guide, the student book See How the Turkey Grows and the science notebook.

Please dress appropriately for going outside.  Bring a sack lunch and something to drink as we will utilize a working lunch. 

To register for this workshop, please login or create an account.
BAI Registration
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Contact Details
Contact Name
Emily Porter
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