Discover Nature with Nature Revealed

Workshop Dates
DNS Unit or MDC Program
Nature Revealed

The Discover Nature (DNS) program includes engaging and hands-on outdoor learning featuring Missouri’s flora, fauna and ecosystems. This workshop for Nature Revealed helps you share nature with young preschool children, make discovery fun and stimulate children’s natural sense of wonder.

Nature Revealed is full of developmentally appropriate learning experiences keyed to specific leaning centers. All activities and ideas are developed to meet Missouri’s Project Construct and Missouri Early Learning Goals

During the training participants will explore and experience activities found in the teacher guide book. The thematic lesson plans arranged by season will help support your efforts to match classroom nature study with the state goals and standards for early learning.

Training is free and at the end each participant will leave with their own copy of Nature Revealed.

To register for this workshop, please login or create an account.
BAI Registration
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Contact Details
Contact Name
Karen Armstrong
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