Join MDC Staff as we explore our free Missouri-based Discover Nature Schools (DNS) Units and apply it to creating a Pollinator Garden for your school area! While exploring the Twin Pines pollinator gardens, teachers will participate in different DNS lessons by collecting and comparing seeds in Nature Unfolds (K-2), using your big charts to explore the food chain of this particular ecosystem in Nature Unleashed (3rd-5th), exploring and documenting the evidence of the water cycle and water erosion in Nature Unhooked (6th-8th), or looking more closely at plant management and conducting a bioinventory in order to create a management plan through Nature Unbound (High School). There is something for everyone in this workshop!
Teachers will also explore the different types of pollinators, the pollinator garden options available, as well as local resources to fulfill your plan. There will be time given during this workshop for teachers to create a 3-year plan in preparation to give to administrators, complete with a timeline of progress completion outlined by our participants.
All participating teachers will review the appropriate grade-level DNS units and SEEK application prior to the workshop in order to capitalize on the time available. Staff will send out the materials prior to the workshop. Introductory videos will be included.
One credit hour from Lindenwood University is available. Please email the instructor for instructions.
*Please note that due to COVID-19, MDC staff are following protocol to protect ourselves and the safety of our participants. To accomodate for appropriate spacing, we can allow only 7 participatns total in this workshop. Staff will be wearing masks and hand santizer will be provided. All materials used will be disinfected prior to the start of the workshop and after each use.