Northeast Regional Office

POINT (-92.572215 40.161631)

This is a Hunter Education certification training for educators seeking to teach and certify students in their respective school districts and community.

This is a Hunter Education certification training for educators seeking to teach and certify students in their respective school districts and community.

This is a Hunter Education certification training for educators seeking to teach and certify students in their respective school districts and community.

This is a Hunter Education certification training for MDC volunteers seeking to teach and certify students in their respective school districts and community.

This Discover Nature School (DNS) program, Nature Revealed, is a curriculum designed for preschool students and includes engaging, hands-on outdoor learning divided into 4 seasonal units. This curriculum focuses on Missouri’s flora, fauna, and ecosystems, which can be separated by 20 different themes such as mammals, insects, trees and forests, birds, energy, and weather. It encourages discovery and a child’s natural sense of wonder.

This course will show you how to incorporate STEM concepts into your classroom by using hands on experiential learning techniques, going outside and discovering nature. We will be exploring learning opportunities in school yard habitats. Learn more about the Discover Nature Schools Curriculum and Grant programs. This workshop is designed for Teachers of grades 3rd through 6th levels.

This workshop is geared for Missouri Middle School and High School Teachers who are looking to engage their students by incorporating information relevant to Missouri habitats into their Biology/Ecology Courses. We will be using activities from the Nature Unhooked and Nature Unbound High School Ecology Curriculum. Grant funding is available for equipment and field experiences.

This workshop is geared for Missouri Middle School and High School Teachers who are looking to engage their students by incorporating information relevant to Missouri habitats into their Biology/Ecology Courses. We will be using activities from the Nature Unhooked and Nature Unbound High School Ecology Curriculum. Grant funding is available for equipment and field experiences.

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