Nature Unfolds

Grade Level

Nature Unfolds includes a student book titled See How the Turkey Grows, a science notebook, and teacher guide. Together they help K-2 students learn about life cycles, basic needs of plants and animals, and seasons and weather.

Nature Unfolds, is designed for Kindergarten through 2nd grade and includes 4 seasonal units that focus on seasonal changes, weather, lifecycles, and parent/offspring relationships. The curriculum supports Missouri Learning Standards (MLS) in science, particularly life science. The hands-on, inquiry-focused lessons provide outdoor learning opportunities where students can explore their own schoolyard.

Nature Unfolds, is designed for Kindergarten through 2nd grade and includes 4 seasonal units that focus on seasonal changes, weather, lifecycles, and parent/offspring relationships. The curriculum supports Missouri Learning Standards (MLS) in science, particularly life science. The hands-on, inquiry-focused lessons provide outdoor learning opportunities where students can explore their own schoolyard.

I will be training the 2nd grade teacher in Unfolds.

Nature Unfolds, is designed for Kindergarten through 2nd grade and includes 4 seasonal units that focus on seasonal changes, weather, lifecycles, and parent/offspring relationships. The curriculum supports Missouri Learning Standards (MLS) in science, particularly life science. The hands-on, inquiry-focused lessons provide outdoor learning opportunities where students can explore their own schoolyard.

This workshop will prepare educators to teach the hands-on, Grade Level Expectation unit which includes a field tested teacher guide, science notebooks for each student, and classroom copies of the newly published book See How the Turkey Grows.  The grant funding associated with this program will provide at least one field trip and supply classroom materials to teach the unit.

Reserve by July 15.

Ever wonder how biologists study fish, forests, and wildlife? In this workshop, you’'ll learn from the experts! Get immersed in real-life conservation with Conservation Educators and Resource Biologists at five sites in the St. Louis region. Collect and measure fish, track wildlife, sample and identify insects, do bird banding, assess trees to improve forest health and more.

This workshop is a training for any level of the Discover Nature Schools curricular materials. Participants will spend time in nature, learning how to think like scientists. Skills practiced will include observation, documentation, comparing, contrasting, analyzing, ordering, identification, macro-invertebrate sampling, cooperation, communication, and habitat investigations.

Additionally, we will dig into the requirements for a field experience and materials grant.

Reserve by Aug 1.

Taking your class outside has been shown to improve test scores and reduce behavioral issues. Are you interested in creating and using an outside learning environment for your students? This three-day workshop has two components: building and using an outdoor classroom. We will look at activities that can be done in an outdoor classroom, outdoor hazards, nature deficit disorder, how to build an outdoor classroom using MDC and other resources, and ways to incorporate citizen science into your curriculum.

This workshop will prepare educators to teach the hands-on, Grade Level Expectation K-2 unit, Nature Unfolds, which includes a field tested teacher guide, science notebooks for each student, and classroom copies of the student book See How the Turkey Grows. Eligible schools can receive grant funding associated with this program that will provide at least one field trip and supply classroom materials to teach the unit. Bring a lunch. Drinks will be provided. To register for this workshop, contact Kim Cole ( or visit:

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