Nature Unfolds

Grade Level

Nature Unfolds includes a student book titled See How the Turkey Grows, a science notebook, and teacher guide. Together they help K-2 students learn about life cycles, basic needs of plants and animals, and seasons and weather.

Utilizing Nature Unfolds in the Middle School Special Ed Classroom.

And digging into the Lewis and Clark Trunk for remediating Middle School history. 

I will be training Amy Peoples in Nature Unfolds.

This Discover Nature School (DNS) program, Nature Unfolds, is designed for Kindergarten through 2nd grade and includes 4 seasonal units that focus on seasonal changes, weather, lifecycles, and parent/offspring relationships. The curriculum supports Missouri Learning Standards (MLS) in science, particularly life science. The hands-on, inquiry-focused lessons provide outdoor learning opportunities where students can explore their own schoolyard. 

For pre-service HLGU teachers. 

Review curriculum and activities that can be used to support conservation in a special needs middle school classroom. 

This Discover Nature School (DNS) program, Nature Unfolds, is designed for Kindergarten through 2nd grade and includes 4 seasonal units that focus on seasonal changes, weather, lifecycles, and parent/offspring relationships. The curriculum supports Missouri Learning Standards (MLS) in science, particularly life science. The hands-on, inquiry-focused lessons provide outdoor learning opportunities where students can explore their own schoolyard.

I trained Bobbie Cook in Nature Unfolds and Nature Unleashed both. She is not sure what class she will teach next year.

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