Discover Nature Schools -- Nature Unleashed (3rd-5th)

Workshop Dates
DNS Unit or MDC Program
Nature Unleashed

Nature Unleashed:

The Discover Nature Schools program, Nature Unleashed, is a program designed to allow elementary students hands-on interactions and understanding of Missouri habitats, food webs, predator/prey relationships, and adaptations. Not only does the program meet the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Missouri Learning Standards, but there are also big benefits for students. A recent study of the program shows that Nature Unleashed increased the amount of time students spent in activities and field experiences outside the classroom. Learning outdoors improves student physical and mental health, increases scores on standardized tests, and reduces attention-deficit problems. 

Nature Unleashed emphasizes hands-on learning, teaches problem-solving, and provides authentic and local contexts for learning.

The program includes the follow items:

• full-color, illustrated student book

• student science notebook

• teacher guides with outdoor activities and lesson plans

• grants for field trips and exploration equipment

To register for this workshop, please login or create an account.
BAI Registration
Workshop Location
Central Elem.
1213 Central Drive
Dexter , MO 63841-1896
Contact Details
Contact Name
Sara Bradshaw
Contact Email