Discover Nature Schools - Nature Revealed

Workshop Dates
DNS Unit or MDC Program
Nature Revealed

This Discover Nature School (DNS) program, Nature Revealed, is for preschool students. It includes engaging, hands-on outdoor learning that focuses on Missouri’s flora, fauna, and ecosystems. It encourages discovery and a child’s natural sense of wonder. It has already been correlated to both the Missouri Project Construct and the Missouri Early Learning Goals and is designed to work with teacher's needs provide developmentally appropriate learning experiences.

During the training, teachers will become familiar with the teacher's guide and the online Teacher Portal. Additionally, teachers will experience the activities and outdoor learning themselves. This will help prepare them to implement them and help with their comfort level.

To register for this workshop, please login or create an account.
BAI Registration
Workshop Location
Dixon Elem.
102 N Pine Street
Dixon , MO 65459-0166
Contact Details
Contact Name
Mary Beth Factor
Contact Phone
Phone Extension
Contact Email