Discover Nature Schools - Nature Unfolds (K-2nd) with Intro to 5E Model

Workshop Dates
DNS Unit or MDC Program
Nature Unfolds

This Discover Nature School (DNS) Program, Nature Unfolds, is designed for Kindergarten through 2nd grade age levels. It includes engaging, hands-on outdoor learning that focuses on season, weather, lifecycles, and parent/offspring relationships. The curriculum is correlated to both the Missouri Learning Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards and are designed to work with teachers' needs and supplement existing curriculum.

During the training, participating teachers will become familiar with the teacher's guide, student guide, and science notebook as well as the online Teacher Portal. Teachers will experience the activities and outdoor learning themselves during the training, as well as make lesson connections to the long-time used educational model: The 5E Model (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate). This will help prepare participants to implement these lessons through inquiry-based practices as well as practice with comfort levels of teaching outside.

Teachers will also become certified and are then eligible to receive the DNS grant funding of $500 classroom equipment grant (for first-year schools), as well as the $7/student travel reimbursement offered to take students and explore local outdoor areas.

The program includes the following items:

  • Full-color illustrated student book: See How the Turkey Grows
  • Student Science Notebook
  • Teacher Guide with all outdoor activities and lesson plans
  • Non-competitive grants for field experiences, classroom equipment (including funding to build outdoor classroom)

Participants should bring their own lunch and appropriate clothing for the weather.

To register for this workshop, please login or create an account.
BAI Registration
Workshop Location
Missouri State University - West Plains
Gohn Hall
West Plains, MO
Contact Details
Contact Name
Mary Beth Factor
Contact Phone
Phone Extension
Contact Email