Discovering Nature in the Ozarks

Workshop Dates
DNS Unit or MDC Program
Nature Unleashed

Participants will explore the MDC Discover Nature Schools 3rd – 8th grade curriculum units through interactive field experiences within common Ozark ecosystems such as watershed activities and water quality testing during a kayak trip on the Jack’s Fork and conducting ecosystem studies at Twin Pines Conservation Area. Educators will participate in lessons and create their own interactive field experience for their school classroom for the upcoming year. High School teachers are welcome to attend and create modifications to implement into their curriculum.

*Optional 2.0 graduate credit hours are available at $75/hour.

To register for this workshop, please login or create an account.
BAI Registration
Credit Hours
Credit Hours From
Credit Hour Type
College Graduate Credit
Workshop Location
MDC Office
Twin Pines Conservation Education Center
20086 Highway 60
Winona, MO 65588
Contact Details
Contact Name
Sara Bradshaw
Contact Phone
Phone Extension
Contact Email